Assigned Jobs

This page displays all of the jobs available in yearbook. Edits will have to apply for the position writing a short essay about why they are interested. The essay questions will be shared on a google doc at a later date.

-If you want a specific page in the yearbook comment on this page with your name and the club or sport.
-When we assign pages your name will be listed next to the event you are in charge of.
-Once your page is complete we will make it blue.

Editors- You will work with all yearbook members,photographers and designers to oversee all pages. Responsibilities include the following: check page formatting, review images for inappropriate imagery,check mug shots, tag photos and help other members complete their pages and so much more.

Social Media leader- Spread the word about #cgyearbook! You are in charge of saving, editing and uploading instagram photos to yearbook avenue. You are in charge of writing tweets for game days and important events.

Divider Page Leaders- You will be in charge of searching for/creating a creative design for the divider pages. Divider pages appear in between seasons and class portraits.

Student Life Leaders- Student life leaders will be in charge of creating themes for student life pages. Student life leaders will gather images for the pages and work with the editors to design the layout.

Page designer- All members of yearbook will be in charge of at least one page. Page designers will work together to create pages that are consistent with our design layout including: font, color, spacing, imagery, page numbers ect.

Sports, Clubs, Activities page leaders- Will be responsible for organizing team and club group shot pages. These students will be inserting all team and club images, as well as tagging all team members.

Student Life Page
We need recommendations for these pages!!!!
Last year we did promposal, pets, at work and spirit week

Fall Pages to be assigned-- When a page is complete it will appear in Bold Blue.
-Homecoming pep rally---
-Homecoming parade
-Homecoming football game--
-Homecoming dance--
-Marching band---
-Color guard--
-Girls Tennis--
-Girls Cross Country---
-Boys cross country-
-Girls swimming
-Girls Volleyball--
-Boys Soccer---
-Boys golf--
-Girls golf-
-Super fans--
-Fall play---
-Powder Puff---

-Link crew--
-Chess club-
-Science Olympiad
-Trojan Times-
-Friends of Rachel-
-Life skills---
-Tech Crew---
-Preschool Lab?-
-Speech Team-
-Student Council-
-Foreign Language/softball-

-Spirit week
-What did you do last summer photos?
-At school photo

--Do we have any freshman or Seniors in yearbook interested?


